Monday, March 5, 2007

Tug of War

At first we need to figure out what type of robot to make. A fast, light one to pull the opponents robot out of the ring before they can start pulling or a heavy duty one to slowly pull the robot out to victory.

Now that we were to incorporate the motor and electronic components of the robot, we had to change our design to fit around it. Building around that spendy block was not that bad because we had a solid base to build around. Since our theme was tug of war, we knew that traction on the ground and weight would help make our robot more competitive.

Not much was difference from the last design except now we added a big block on some electronic components to it. Programming the thing was easy because all we had to do was make it go forward. No need for new skills. Everything was just trial and error and was easily figured out. programming wasn't hard either. All we had was to just turn the motor and keep turning till we turn the power off.

At the very last minute before the competition, we tried adding a few more things to gain traction and weight, but it didn't do much in the outcome later. Nothing fell apart like before, so that was just nice.

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